Onboarding and Offboarding Best Practices You Shouldn’t Ignore

Onboarding is a common practice used by companies to integrate a new employee into his or her position. This helps a new hire feel welcomed into the organization’s “family,” while also making sure that the company does not face unnecessary costs due to a quick turnover of the new employee.

By implementing a strong online onboarding process, employees can become better acquainted with the organization’s culture, managers and overall goals. In return, the company can make sure that employees are continually engaged in their roles, which will ultimately result in higher productivity.

Onboarding should extend anywhere from the employee’s first three months to one year with the company rather than being just for one-day or one-week event. Some ways to make the new employee’s transition easier is to assign mentors, involve weekly and/or monthly assessments, provide ongoing training opportunities and provide measurable results for the new employee to track his or her progress.

Employee Onboarding is an exciting time for both the new employee and the company. With a little extra effort, it is easy to help a new hire feel accepted into the organization’s culture.

So what if the company needs to eliminate tenured employees?

Watch your step while moving off board!

Just as important, but sometimes overlooked, is offboarding. Offboarding is the process a company has in place for the termination of an employee. The challenges brought on by offboarding can be unpleasant to face, but it is something that organizations cannot ignore. An employer’s offboarding process might include exit interviews, removal of company property from the employee’s possession and cutting off any access to company information.

Some important factors to keep in mind while putting together an offboarding procedure for your organization are the following:

  • Prepare a checklist of everything that needs to be done before offboarding is complete
  • Be aware of and follow all legal guidelines and procedures
  • Quickly remove all employee access to company property, information and resources
  • Have steps in place to keep company morale up, so that other employees don’t decrease their productivity or harbor feelings of job insecurity


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